The one who put me on the map

I really believe in taking chances. I believe that people that cross your way, is there for one big reason. And that's the case of the girl I'm talking about. She made the model in me come out, she made me feel as beautiful and sexy as she is and above all those things... she made me believe in myself. If I ever become famous and somebody asks me who discover me... I will have to say... with no doubt... Dalys García.

Here are some self-portraits of her.

We meet by a friend in common, Mauricio Herrerabarría and since then our friendship became bigger and stronger!! We were meant to meet each other on the way and learn from eachother, from every mistake, flaw and every single smile!!

Here are some shots she have done to me...







The pictures talk for themselves!
I love You DALX.. you are more so important to me!!
I am so greatfull of having you in my life... Let's keep taking pictures till the day we die!
